Globe University turned to us to help resolve an impasse with their new website. The goal was to create an appealing visual template that addresses it’s Management vision, brand message and adheres to W3C and responsive web design standards.
The Webheads (TWH) provides web hosting, web content management + web support services for Joomla! and WordPress CMS, to small and mid-sized businesses.
TWH is a part of Behindtheforest Group family of services, including Minds Behind Design Creative Agency.
A St. Paul chiropractor and former NASA engineer has taken an idea from outer space and created a health drink business from it - In the mid-1990’s Dr. Mike Johnson of Cathedral Hill Chiropractic worked on a NASA technology to convert the human waste water (urine and shower water) into drinking water (you know, for the trip to an asteroid or Mars). “We used bacteria to remove the bad stuff from urine; so I thought, why not use probiotics to add health stuff to a drink?”